As promised, we are sending this second newsletter with the changes that are happening at the practice as we continue the journey of easing out of lockdown. We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure safety procedures are in place for both patients and staff members. We are now seeing patients with a dental emergency and some treatments. If we have cancelled your appointment we will be in contact as soon as we can.
Keeping well during this time is paramount and we would ask any of you attending the practice to please attend with a face covering. This doesn’t have to be a face mask, it could be a scarf or snood
There are some changes when you attend for your next appointment, these changes are to keep our patients and team safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Patient Journey
Appointments can only be booked over the telephone; we will ask you the following government guidelines COVID-19 screening questions
Please confirm that you don’t have any of the following before coming to the practice
- Do you have a new, continuous cough?
- Do you have a high temperature (37.8C or over)?
- Does anyone in your household have a new, continuous cough or a high temperature?
- If you or anyone in your household has tested positive for coronavirus, are you still in the self/household isolation period?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, we cannot book an appointment. More information can be found at
Due to social distancing measures, we are limiting the number of patients in at any one time. The door will be locked, the waiting room will be empty, and reception protected with a perspex screen.
As we are minimising physical interaction as much as possible for your safety. We will send you a secure link to complete your medical history from home. This will be sent to you by email or as a text message.
Before you leave for your appointment
- Please ensure you have used the lavatory and brushed your teeth.
- Please avoid bringing lots of things including valuables.
- Please bring a face covering to wear before entering the practice.
- Any payment if required will be taken at the reception. We will not be taking cash at the present time.
On arrival
Please call the practice from inside your car or if walking please wait outside the practice following social distancing measures. The door will be locked until your appointment time begins.
When we are ready for you, we will call you when it is time to enter the practice.
One of our nurses will be wearing PPE when they greet you and they will check your temperature with a no-contact thermometer. If you have a fever, we will not be able to see you and advise you to go straight home.
if your temperature check is normal, we will ask you to leave your coat and bag in a plastic lidded box.
We will then ask you to sanitise your hands before being escorted to the treatment room.
In the treatment room
As social distancing cannot be adhered to during your appointment, the dentist and the nurse will be ready for you wearing their PPE.
After your appointment
Before leaving the practice, we will ask you to sanitise your hands again and collect your belongings from the plastic lidded box.
The reception team will be in contact to take payment if not taken in advance and book any further appointments if required.
Parents information
If your child is under 16 and has an emergency appointment, one parent can attend the practice with them.
We will ask you to wear a face covering whilst accompanying your child into the treatment room.
Please reassure your child before their appointment and let them know it will be different than visiting before.
Please call us on Tel: 01326 560730 if you have any concerns about your visit.
Please click on the link below to see a poster from the Oral health Foundation. It may be helpful to look at if you bring your child to the practice, it can be quite daunting for children and adults when attending the dental and especially so at this time.
The British Oral Health Foundation is a charitable organisation and has a helpline for patients who may need further reassurance about attending for dental appointments at this time, as well as general oral health advice.
They can be contacted on 01788 539780.
A Note from our hygienists
As with life in General in theses current times there have been some new and revised guidelines when treating patients during this current level 3 of Covid-19.
We have been advised to keep any aerosol generated procedure to a minimum or if there is an alternative way to treat without aerosols to undertake this treatment pathway.
For the foreseeable future when you attend for your dental hygiene visit, we will not be using the ultrasonic scaler as this generates an aerosol, all treatment will be carried out with hand instruments. We can polish teeth to remove biofilm or plaque, but we are not allowed to polish teeth for cosmetic reasons (removing stain). The assessment of your mouth will be carried out in the same way, and we are still allowed to carry out oral health coaching helping you with any concerns you may have with your cleaning routine.
Finally, at this time we are not allowed to offer any mouth rinses during or after treatment.
I am confident you will be treated to a high standard as always while also keeping yours and the staff’s health and safety paramount during these times.
Some of you would have met our Practice Manager Jenny during your visits with us before the Coronavirus pandemic. Jenny has made the decision to retire after 12 years. All of us at Angel Dental wish her a well-earned, happy and healthy retirement with her family.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
The Angel Dental Team